From the President - May Update

May 10, 2021

Hello Wichita SWE,

The May General Meeting was held on Monday May 3rd over Zoom, where we re-capped Engineering Expo and discussed our upcoming events, including the annual Banquet where we will celebrate FY21 and induct the new slate of officers for FY22.

Our first Virtual Engineering Expo was a success!  We received lots of pictures and videos of kids doing their activities and so much positive feedback.  A big thank you to the Engineering Expo committee and volunteers for all their hard work planning the event and helping to make this happen!  The videos will remain on our Engie Does STEM YouTube channel, so please share with anyone who may be interested.  Many of the materials are likely available at home, or shopping lists and more information can be found on our website at  Great job everyone!

On Wednesday, May 19th @ 6pm, we will be holding a Virtual Game Night.  PLEASE RSVP HERE so we can get an idea of how many people the games will need to accommodate!  You can also let us know if you have any game ideas or suggestions when you RSVP.  Hope to see you there!

The Annual Banquet will be held virtually this year, on Tuesday May 25th from 6:00pm – 8:30pm! We're going to do a year in review presentation, install our new officers, present awards and hear from guest speaker Amanda Simpson, VP of Research and Technology at Airbus Americas.  We are sending out gift cards for dinner.  RSVP HERE by Tuesday May 18 to receive $20 to a local restaurant.

Thank you to all who voted in our officer elections!  The Wichita SWE Officers for FY22 will be:
President – Alexis Fitzpatrick
President Elect – Kait Weston
Secretary – Elena Davidson
Treasurer – Sarah Niles
Treasurer Elect – Minisa Childers
They will be inducted at the banquet and begin their term on July 1st, 2021.  Congratulations!

We will also be holding a virtual silent auction during the banquet to support a local charity.  If you'd like to donate an item (a basket, art, a craft, a baked good, etc.), please contact Elena at or Melody at If you know a local charity you think we should support, we'd also love to hear from you!

There will be no Podcast Club meeting this month. Discussions will resume in June!

Our final General Meeting of FY21 will be held Monday, June 7th at 6pm over Zoom. If you'd like to get more involved with SWE, have ideas for future events, or have questions, please send an email to Thanks for being a part of SWE, and I look forward to seeing you all soon! 

Best Regards, 
Shaina Shapiro
FY21 Wichita Section President
Society of Women Engineers


From the President - June Update


From the President - April Update